The Warwickshire Junior County Championships are held yearly, at Under 12, Under 14, Under 16 and Under 18 level.
The Championships are open to all young badminton players who live or go to school in the County of Warwickshire. Players meeting this criterion, but who are representing another county during the season will not normally be eligible to enter. The JCC Tournament Secretary has discretion to accept or decline any entries, on the advice of the Coaching Manager and Chair of the Coaching Board.
Players may enter one event only in each of the singles, mixed and level doubles in any age group, but not in a younger age group then their own. The only exception to this rule is the U18 Age Group JCC, because the Under 18 Age Group Tournament is also used as an opportunity for Age Group Coaches to assess players in a competitive tournament situation to inform selection for the ICT training sessions from which the ICT team will be chosen. Players not in the U18 squad who wish to enter the U18 JCC must have the agreement of all relevant Age Group Coaches to do so.