Details of the Executive Committee current officials and our coaches are available to Members only.
WSBA is an organisation established by constitution and affiliated to Badminton England (formerly the English Schools Badminton Association) and the Warwickshire Badminton Association.
Players are selected to be WSBA members and are allocated to the appropriate squad through the annual trials process. When offered the opportunity to become a WSBA member, players will be assigned to a particular squad, namely U12, U14, U16 or U18 (as defined by Badminton England age group rules). Where there is sufficient interest, we may also run an U10 squad.
WSBA is run entirely by volunteers, both its coaching and organisational officials, who give up considerable amounts of time because of their love of, and commitment to, the sport.
WSBA squads are managed by Age Group Coaches, who are all level 2 Badminton England qualified and BE registered, and have regular DBS checks, hold first aid qualifications, and attend Safeguarding courses. They are supported by Assistant Coaches, who are BE registered and Level 1 qualified. Age Group Coaches run all WSBA training sessions and fixtures. Training sessions are held weekly during term times, in Coventry.
WSBA is governed through its Executive Committee and Coaching Board. The Executive Committee is accountable for all matters related to the management, operation and finances of WSBA. Officer positions are elected through the Annual General Meeting, held in June each year.
The Coaching Board is accountable for all coaching matters, including all coaching procedures and guidelines, and WSBA’s strategy for recruitment, development, retention and succession planning for its coaching personnel. Any changes to coaching procedures, guidelines and coaching staff strategy are validated by the Executive Committee.